When the market slowed to a standstill, I put away my paint brush and tried to find what it was that God wanted me to do in life - besides for being the mother of an army of 5 children! Having taken many diverse directions in my life as far as careers go, I remained the most passionate about art. It did not seem possible that God would call me to do something that was so much fun as painting! Surely it had to be something less frivolous?
Finally I began to understand the incredibly complex and simple process of 'just being" as opposed to 'doing'. In this season I realised that God has in fact called me to paint!
Thus began the new season of prophetic art. I hope to inspire people to look up.

This is the first painting in my series called: CREATION
You formed me in my inward parts. You covered me in my mother's womb. Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed. In your book they were all written the day's fashioned for me when as yet there were none of them.
How awesome to know that none of us are accidentally here and that our days were written
down long before we even began!
You formed me in my inward parts. You covered me in my mother's womb. Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed. In your book they were all written the day's fashioned for me when as yet there were none of them.
How awesome to know that none of us are accidentally here and that our days were written
down long before we even began!
Like the picture, hope to see more of your work!
ReplyDeleteHow awesome is the work of His hands.We marvel at our Lord and His gratness.The splendour of our King as He reveals Himself to us...the work of His hands.What is man that He is mind ful of him......I love this piece because it reminds me that He knows us even before we were born.The plans that He has for us is only to bless.Jesus has blessed you with such a wonderful gift.Praise His name on high forever and ever.I pray that you and I and others like us will take up the challenge from the Holy Spirit to rise up and shine for our Lord ...so that all may see Him in and through us.He is worthy of praise!