Tuesday, May 13, 2014

grace and glory

This picture was born out of a desire to express a state of grace and freedom in a wide open space.  I painted a bright sunrise sky in attempts to symbolise God’s glory.
The sky is multi-coloured as the glory and wisdom of God is so rich and multi-faceted. Later I read in Ephesians 3v10 about the manifold wisdom of God made know to the Church, principalities and powers.  I was blown away when I saw the Strong’s definition of manifold:
Strong’s meaning of manifold: polupoikilos – varied many coloured. The word pictures God’s wisdom as much varied, with many shades, tints, hues, and colourful expressions.  As a God of variety He is still entering the human arena displaying many-sided multi-coloured and much variegated wisdom to His people and through His people.
The sky has gold paint in it, seen when the light catches it. This is symbolic of the Lord’s glory and riches.
Ephesians 3v1-13 says:
The mystery of Christ has now been revealed by the Spirit of God. The grace we receive at the cost of Christ’s death makes us heirs with Christ.  The unsearchable riches and manifest wisdom of God, was hidden and unattainable is now made known to us.
The girl is dancing in a state of grace.  She need not strive as she fully embraces, comprehends and rests in the Grace of what Christ has done for her. Having completed the landscape, I had not yet painted in the girl when I retired for the night.  I thought that a white dress would work best.  I asked the Lord to show me and that night I dreamt about blood. When I woke I was reminded about the cost of grace and so her dress is red in remembrance of the currency of our grace.
The sun is rising, hope for a new day.  The lands are fertile and green, full of provision and growth.

Abundant Harvest

In considering the harvest awaiting this year I was reminded not to expect a little garden patch, but rather abundant and overwhelming blessings!

(This painting was bought by a lady in PE)

Step into the new day

Painted this at the beginning of Jan 2014.  Felt God was saying that we need to leave what is behind and boldly walk into the new.  Open door right in front of us.  Just step into the new.  Glory awaits

This painting spoke deeply to a lovely old lady that I visit and she bought it to be reminded of the new season.
freedom, healing and love